Personality Test Center

An insightful journey into personality

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Locus of control

Locus of control


  • For each question, choose between the five available options.
  • Please answer all questions, even those you feel may not apply directly to you.
  • If you haven't experienced the scenario portrayed in a question, try to imagine what you would do in a similar situation.
  • Try and answer each question quickly and spontaneously.
  • This questionnaire requires honest reflection on how you think, feel and act in general, therefore try not to bother with possible doubts or reasoning. Go with the option that either feels right, or appears to be more correct than the others.
  • Avoid making a selection simply because it seems to be the right thing to say, or because it is socially desirable.
  • Avoid simply agreeing with statements as presented.
  • There are many reasons why someone might choose the middle response (neither inaccurate or accurate). They might be uncertain, they might think it depends on the situation, or they might think the item is irrelevant. Avoid, however, selecting the middle response, simply to avoid extreme selections.
  • This test can be taken once per day, per computer terminal. This ensures the accuracy of the reports and real time statistics.

1. I get to make decisions and plan my own work, in my ideal career.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

2. If enough people put their mind to it, wars can be a thing of the past.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

3. I ignore my problems, hoping that they will go away.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

4. I put a lot of thought into an issue before making a decision.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

5. I tend to change my mind, when people I respect and admire, disagree with me.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

6. My efforts will go unrecognized, no matter how hard I try.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

7. I deserve all the success that comes my way.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

8. Finding a rewarding job, is all about being at the right place, at the right time.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

9. Other people's opinions do not influence my behavior.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

10. Most of life's challenges can be overcome, if we are mindful enough to notice the opportunities.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

11. There is a lot the average citizen can do to influence politicians, both at home and abroad.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

12. Positive occurences are balanced by negative occurences in the long run.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

13. The personal satisfaction I get after completing a task, is more rewarding than being told I have done a good job.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

14. I make a decision and move on.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

15. I get discouraged when a task delays to produce results.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

16. I feel unsure how to react, whenever someone tries to sell me someththing.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

17. I dislike myself.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

18. When I want to learn something new, I try to find out on my own, rather than ask others.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

19. Lasting friendships are hard to come by.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

20. What is going to happen will happen.

 Very inaccurate

 Moderately inaccurate

 Neither inaccurate nor accurate

 Moderately accurate

 Very accurate

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Below are some optional survey questions, that will be used anonymously to correlate your result on this quiz with various lifestyle factors. Please participate if you have a minute, by answering any or all of the questions.

Optional questionnaire

The results of these surveys will be posted shortly on this site, and will correlate Locus of control, with random factors such as snack preference, or choice of clothing.

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