Personality Test Center

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ESTJ personality type


ESTJs are loyal and responsible mates, parents and co-workers; due to their dependability they are rightly labeled pillars of the community. They embrace the values of honesty, dedication and dignity in all facets of life. ESTJs favor structure and schedules, avoid inneficiency and thrive on order and continuity. They are always making sure that established plans and procedures are followed and that time frames are kept. ESTJs possess “type-A” tendencies and can become impatient when their plans are frustrated. In positions of authority they bask in the priviledges that rank brings. ESTJs are experienced "take-charge" people. Their dutiful, hardworking approach means they don't search for shortcuts for positions of prominence. 13% of the total population.


ESTJs are responsible members of society that are socially adept on all occasions. They treat colleagues and acquaintances firmly but fairly; something that applies equally well to friends and family.

They are faithful and loyal, and enjoy time spent socializing with friends and family. Their solid connection with the external environment is facilitated by their authentic approach; with ESTJs, what you see is what you get. They often participate in social activities and groups, and are active members of clubs and organizations.

As expected, the ESTJ's family life is highly valued and they enjoy connecting via traditional celebrations and get-togethers. Parental guidance is key for ESTJs and is a manifestation of their organizational inclination; they are keen to establish appropriate guidelines so that their children abide by traditional values.

During arguments, ESTJs stick to their guns and may thus be perceived as bossy and inflexible. In fact they enjoy exchanging ideas and with mounting evidence will accept a different point of view. ESTJs may come off as insensitive when they are working on projects and their dedication to tasks can make them impatient with indecisive people. They can benefit by listening to additional viewpoints and not attending so much to the facts.


ESTJ's like to organize events and do whatever is necessary to make sure things go according to plan. They stick to tested methods, make plans based on previous experiences, and conduct systematic follow ups. This natural propensity to complete tasks is reinforced by their acute supervisory abilities and their air of confidence in social situations.

In supervisory rolls ESTJ's are objective; they are vigilant that everyone does their part & everyone enjoys fair treatment.


ESTJs are efficient, industrious and set their sights on getting the job done. They choose work over play, and do whatever is necessary to rise to the occasion. Notably loyal in the workplace, they are likely to keep the same job for a long time.

They thrive in managerial positions, especially in finance and mechanics, because they are both practical and pragmatic in their approach.

The ESTJ's affinity for managerial roles is partly due to their ability to set procedures and ensure everything is going to plan. Their rise in the ranks is enhanced through their strong work ethic, and sense of achievement.

ESTJs want to make sure that everyone is doing their assigned work and that tasks are being completed; if something is not running smoothly they will plan additional steps.

ESTJs feel more comfortable with tried and tested methods and may become impatient with other people's experiments. Due to their insistence on existing methods, they could even come off as somewhat rigid and uncompromising.

Their leadership is most effective when they remain open to new perspectives, adopt projects that are clearly defined, and offer specific guidelines.

Personality traits

  • Practical, realistic, and task-oriented.
  • Live in a world of facts and concrete needs.
  • Seek like-minded individuals
  • Self-confident
  • Opinionated, direct, "take-charge" people.
  • Pillars of the community and representatives of tradition
  • Favor structure and established plans and procedures
  • Thrive on order and organization
  • Stick to their standards
  • Embrace values of honesty, dedication and dignity
  • Enjoy authority and rank
  • Possess “Type-A” tendencies

Interesting facts

  • Born leaders. "Take charge" people who get things done.
  • Score high on measures of resilience.
  • The consummate organizers.
  • May make decisions too quickly.
  • Most likely of all types to achieve academic success.
  • Extremely hardworking.
  • Report very good job satisfaction.

Common careers

  • education
  • entrepreneurs
  • health care
  • supervisors
  • police officers
  • accountants
  • judges
  • consultants
  • physicians

Famous ESTJs

  • George Washington
  • Vince Lombardi
  • Judith Sheindlin
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

Quotes by famous ESTJs:

  • "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable titles the character of an "Honest Man." - George Washington
  • "I will demand a commitment to excellence and to victory, and that is what life is all about." - Vince Lombardi
  • "I make the litigants look at me, because the first sign of a liar is avoidance. I want to make certain that I am reading the right expressions, hearing the correct verbiage, and making note of the tone that all who appear before me use. I take all of it into consideration in determining a character." - Judith Sheindlin
  • "I don't know that there are any short cuts to doing a good job." - Sandra Day O'Connor

Hobbies and recreation

  • fixing things around the house
  • organizing games and sports for friends and family
  • volunteering
  • golf
  • community service
  • gardening

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