16 going on 66: Will you be the same person 50 years from now?

When discerning change, a lot depends from where you are drawing comparisons, with yourself or with others.

16 going on 66: Will you be the same person 50 years from now?
Changing personality

Main titles

  • Broad patterns of thought, feelings and behaviour, or otherwise personality, has been shown to change, and this change accumulates over time.
  • Personality comparisons with others, may lead you to not notice the change in yourself.

“The rankings (of personality traits) remain fairly consistent. People who are more conscientious than others their age at 16 are likely to be more conscientious than others at 66, but on average, everyone becomes more conscientious, more emotionally stable, and more agreeable." - Rodica Damian, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Houston.

Source: University of Houston